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Edizione del 06/12/2022
Estratto da pag. 1
Develop regional autonomy while ensuring rights-Mattarella - English
President Sergio Mattarella told the first Italy of Regions Festival in Monza Tuesday that regional autonomy must be developed while guaranteeing people''s social rights. © ANSA
(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 6 - President Sergio Mattarella told the

first Italy of Regions Festival in Monza Tuesday that regional

autonomy must be developed while guaranteeing people's social


After Friuli and Puglia governors Massimiliano Fedriga and

Michele Emiliano spoke, the president said: "Both governors have

expressed an open attitude on the issue of differentiation of

regional competences, provided that this takes place through the

contextual consideration and implementation of the

constitutional dictate, holding together the development of

autonomy with the guarantee, extended to the entire national

territory, of civil and social rights, as well as with adequate

attention to equalisation requirements.   

"These elements do not constitute limits or correctives to

autonomy but are the very characteristics of autonomy".   

Mattarella also stressed the importance of "solidarity and

inter-dependence in seeking autonomy", said that regional

networks "contribute to social cohesion", and called for

collaboration between the central State and the regions without

undue claims by either. (ANSA).